In another episode of “things you should know but aren’t mentionned in the documentation”: Declaring and using Terraform environment variables via variable groups in Azure pipelines.

The problem

So let’s say you have a variable group TF-VARs-group, you want to use a Terraform variable “varableiwanttouse”, and want to export it as TF_VAR_varableiwanttouse. Normally you would create it in the Library:

And declare it in your azure-pipelines.yml

  - group: TF-VARs-group

Well it doesn’t work. The Terraform plan per example will throw an error saying no value was provided for “varableiwanttouse”. However, when I included the TF_VAR_ as an env: block in the task itself, it worked.

- task: TerraformCLI@0
      displayName: 'Plan Terraform'
        command: 'plan'
        environmentServiceName: $(service-name)
        runAzLogin: true
        allowTelemetryCollection: true
        providerAzureRmSubscriptionId: '$(subscriptionid)'
        publishPlanResults: 'infrastructure-plan'
        commandOptions: '-input=false -out=$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/infrastructure-plan.tfplan -detailed-exitcode'
        TF_VAR_varableiwanttouse: $(TF_VAR_varableiwanttouse)

This meant that the TF_VAR_ variable from the variable group was ignored during the runtime of the pipeline. But this is not a sustainable fix.

The fix

Well, looks like for Terraform you need to declare these TF_VAR_ variables in uppercase, all capitals ( no cap wllh hhh). This means you should define it in your variable group as follows : TF_VAR_VARIABLEIWANTTOUSE.

It iiiis what it iiiis. Now we both know.