The goal is to retrieve secrets from the Azure Key Vault and use them as ENV variables used by Pods when they are launched. A very useful tool that allows this man-oeuvre is Azure Key Vault to Kubernetes (akv2k8s). Azure Key Vault to Kubernetes (akv2k8s) makes Azure Key Vault secrets, certificates and keys available in Kubernetes and/or your application - in a simple and secure way.

Summary diagram on how it works.


Apply Custom Resource Definition for AzureKeyVaultSecret

kubectl apply -f

*specify other versions if needed

Install akv2k8s components

Create separate namespace for these components

kubectl create ns akv2k8s

Install Components using helm charts

helm repo add spv-charts

helm repo update
helm upgrade -i azure-key-vault-controller spv-charts/azure-key-vault-controller --namespace akv2k8s
helm upgrade -i azure-key-vault-env-injector spv-charts/azure-key-vault-env-injector --namespace akv2k8s

By default these components will use that subscription ID ,tenant ID and Kubernetes Service principal Accounts to access the Key Vault, since it is our case, no further setup to be done here

Use Components

Create namespace

We have to create a namespace with a specific label which will permit Get requests to the Key Vault, so that pods within this namespace can retrieve secrets.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: akv-test
    azure-key-vault-env-injection: enabled

Definition for the Azure Key Vault secret

Create a reference to the secret that is stored in the Azure Key Vault and that will be injected into the pod.

kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: secret-inject
  namespace: akv-test
    name: min-ds-dev-kv # name of key vault
      name: testPassword # name of the akv object
      type: secret # akv object type

Deploy a test Micro-Service

Create a Test deployment that would use the secret

Create a Test deployment that would use the secret
kind: Deployment
  name: akvs-secret-app
  namespace: akv-test
    app: akvs-secret-app
      app: akvs-secret-app
        app: akvs-secret-app
      - name: akv2k8s-env-test
        image: spvest/akv2k8s-env-test:2.0.1
        args: ["TEST_SECRET"]
        - name: TEST_SECRET
          value: "secret-inject@azurekeyvault" # ref to akvs

Using this Syntax “secret-inject@azurekeyvault” will retrieve the reference secret-inject where the name of the secret is defined testPassword and retrieve it’s Value from the Vault

Test Secret and Secret Value retrieval

The test Micro-Service above prints the arguments it is given, so we gave it the Secret ENV variable name to see if the retrieval operation of the Secret and its value was successful.

kubectl logs -n akv-test logs deployment/akvs-secret-app

We indeed managed to retrieve the secret’s (testPassword) value (testPasswordValue) directly into the pod without specifying it’s content anywhere on the deployment chain. Also inject it as an ENV variable of that pod. Other Great thing is that only the entrypoint process can see the content of the secret.